Tomorrowlabs products are exclusively produced in Germany and Austria and follow strict “clean beauty” and sustainability guidelines. We want to offer effective and innovative beauty products that do not cause harm to our bodies and the environment. Hence, our products are mindfully formulated and produced without any proven or suspected toxic ingredients. Aware of our responsibility towards future generations, Tomorrowlabs has reduced the amount of packaging and focused on using recyclable materials.

0.2. Protecting future generations.
We understand the ongoing issue with environmentally harmful plastic and we wanted to develop a range of products that are directed towards sustainability.
As a company, we are aware of the possible consequences of our present actions to future generations; thus, we guarantee that we handle our ingredients and packaging materials with care.

0.3. Clean beauty products.
All Tomorrowlabs anti-aging and hair growth products are vegan, gluten-free, free of microplastics, minerals oils, and PEGs. We aim to be conscious through reducing the amount of packaging we use, not using plastic films in our products, and replacing plastic with glass at every opportunity.


Clean Beauty
& Science

Sustainably Sourced

0.4. Giving back.
Tomorrowlabs is not only a member of the Alliance for Development and Climate, one of our shareholders even acts as the alliance's official ambassador. It pursues the goal of linking foreign aid cooperation and climate protection through the financing of development, diversity, and climate protection projects in developing and emerging countries.