How does HSF work for your skin and hair?
In 2019 William G. Kaelin, Sir Peter Ratcliffe and Gregg L. Semenza were awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering how cells adapt to oxygen availability. The main mechanism for cell regeneration is the hypoxia-induced factor (HIF) regulatory pathway. Dysfunction of this pathway has been identified as crucial for wound healing and skin aging. This knowledge of Nobel Prize-winning research is the basis of the Tomorrowlabs product development, which designs products focusing on skin aging and hair loss.
With aging, the regenerative processes of the skin are disturbed. The skin becomes thinner, and its elasticity decreases. The blood vessels of the dermis become rare and fragile. While most cosmetic products provide adequate skin hydration, they don’t support biological processes that decline with age: collagen production, cell multiplication, and the formation of new blood vessels.
HIF-1α regulatory pathway
HIF signaling is significant for skin regeneration, formation of new blood vessels, collagen and fibroblast production. The upregulation of HIF leads to the improvement of age-dependent functional impairment of the skin and better tissue regeneration, skin cell growth, and healthy epidermis formation.
The HIF protein consists of 2 subunits: HIF-1α and HIF-1β. The HIF-1α subunit is oxygen-dependent. Under normal oxygen conditions, HIF-1α is broken down by enzymes activated by oxygen. In the absence of oxygen, HIF-1α degradation is stopped, and so its amount increases.
It has been shown that with aging, the activity of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of HIF-1α increases, which leads to disturbed skin regeneration, decreased collagen synthesis, reduced number of blood vessels and consequently lower blood supply to the skin and hair loss.
HSF technology
Tomorrowlabs products are based on innovative HSF technology. The “HIF strengthening factor” HSF used by Tomorrowlabs was designed to repair regenerative mechanism in an innovative way. HSF aims to prevent the degradation of HIF-1α and thus reactivate this signal. HIF enables the body to regenerate itself at the cellular level. In clinical studies, the HSF-based skincare formula showed significant effects on wrinkles, skin roughness and moisturization. HSF leads to the structural rejuvenation of the skin through the reconstruction of collagen fibers, a better supply of nutrients and the activation of our body's own growth factors. Research shows that HSF technology not only stimulates skin renewal but also stimulates the growth of new, healthy hair. It stimulates the blood supply to the hair follicles, which inhibits their loss and stimulates growth.
Visible reduction of wrinkles, restoration of the youthful skin structure, and a positive effect on hair growth have been shown in clinical studies.
Tomorrowlabs offers a wide range of skin and hair care products based on HSF technology. It is a completely new approach to skin and hair care, outstanding from the previous methods based mainly on ensuring adequate skin hydration. Tomorrowlabs HSF-based formula stimulates biological processes responsible for the renewal of skin and tissues. HSF works by restoring the central, regenerative cellular signal to its optimal level by inhibiting the breakdown of HIF-1
α, an essential signaling molecule. HSF products are suitable for all skin and hair types, and they are perfect for everyday use.
For more in-depth information on HIF, click here to read clinical studies on this topic.